The Row Pre-Fall 2015
Jeśli tęskniliście za stylem normcore, to mamy dla was dobrą wiadomość. W tym roku zostaje z nami!

The Row - marka założona w 2006 roku przez Ashley Olsen i Mary-Kate Olsen, kolekcję Pre-Fall 2015 umiejscowiła w nurcie "modnego" w tamtym roku stylu normcore. Czyżby słynne bliźniaczki tak mocno pokochały birkenstocki?! Oprócz kontrowersyjnych butów w ich międzysezonowej linii odnajdziemy proste białe koszule, szerokie spodnie, proste płaszcze. Inspiracje normalsami idą w parze z cytatami z mody azjatyckiej i minimalizmem. The Row zawęziło paletę barwną do bieli, szarości i ciepłych beży i nadal promuje oversize.
The Row Pre-Fall 2015 - Zobacz zdjęcia>>
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe
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The Row Pre-Fall 2015
The Row Pre-Fall 2015, fot. mat. prasowe