Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
15 blogerek z całego świata (w tym także Maffashion), słoneczne plaże Chorwacji i tropikalna kolekcja hiszpańskiej sieciówki - to nie mogło się nie udać!

Stradivarius w ramach promocji swojej nowej kolekcji na wiosnę-lato 2016 postanowił zaprosić do Chorwacji 15 blogerek modowych z całego świata. Dziewczynom, które przez całą wyprawę miały na sobie ubrania i dodatki z oferty hiszpańskiej sieciówki, towarzyszyli oczywiście fotografowie. W ten sposób powstał zbiór zdjęć, które teraz można oglądać w formie lookbooka #thesummerexpedition. W akcji brała udział także Polka - Maffashion na fotografiach zobaczycie najczęsicej obok Valentiny Ferragni - siostry Chiary, założycielki bloga The Blonde Salad.
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 - GALERIA>>
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe
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Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016
Stradivarius #thesummerexpedition 2016 , fot. mat. prasowe